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Mahuripounamu Book Launch

  • The Open Book 201 Ponsonby Road Auckland, Auckland, 1011 New Zealand (map)

Help us launch this new fully te reo Māori youth fiction book into the world on Sunday! Roa Ltd has produced a creative re-telling of the history of Te Riri ki Waikato - The New Zealand Wars in Waikato with Mahuripounamu. This launch event is a family friendly affair. Bring your kids and young people to hear author Raukura Roa read part of Mahuripounamu, plus one of their previously published books for tamariki.

As part of the launch, there will be puzzles from Roa Ltd. for whanau to try out, as well as other pukapuka and puzzles for purchase. Come along to support this awesome mahi as we celebrate Mahuripounamu's release and the inclusion of even more fully te reo māori pukapuka in the world.

About Mahuripounamu

Toimairangi is gifted a special mahuri pounamu from his Koro Tom and is transported back to the past, to the times of the wars in the Waikato. How is he supposed to get home? Who is this shadow that keeps following him? And what was the point of this war, where so many people, especially tamariki, fought and died?

Earlier Event: 4 November
November Backyard Market
Later Event: 12 November
Tihei Mauri Ora: Life Spoken Aloud