Micro history

Israeli history (and many other things) as revealed from life in a small town. $15


Part travelogue, part biography, part philosophy. Christopher Ross travels Japan trying to understand the untimely death of Yukio Mishima. $15 

That's living

Book of the day: Ian Fleming's You Only Live Twice. The movie (1967, James Bond == Sean Connery) was written by Roald Dahl of all people, but is basically totally different from the book. Spot the difference. $9


A superstar intellectual of the online world, Lawrence Lessig looks at how copyright changes have affected the development of the Internet. Sounds boring. Isn't. $10

Caught in time

Observations of New Zealand life from Steve Braunias. In great condition for its age. Wish we could all say that. $14


Ever dreamed of meeting a dashing French man in Bucharest? $12